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Category: Windows Help
Web Server?

Does anyone know how I can get an Apache web server running? I'm used to Windows ME and when I click on start server it will not start the web server. I am also going to run MySQL and PHP.

I am running Windows XP Professional

Thank you.


You have to configure your http.conf file. It explains all the steps you need to do. If you want a simple local server for testing, try xitami.

I haven't had any problems installing apache on win9x/2k/xp.
You just donwload the msi and follow the steps, and thats it. What errors (if any) you get when try to run apache?

How exactly won't it start Apache? Are there any error messages? Try the steps suggested on, perhaps that'll give some info.

One problem I had when installing Apache, mySQL and PHP to WinXP was that I tried to install everything in Program Files. If you let everything install to default path, you will have much better luck. I think it was mySQL that really complained...

Drakhul, it doesn't matter where you install, and furthermore if you install everything in default dir you'll lots of unrealted folders...lots...and lots...

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