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Category: DNS
Web hosting and DNS...?

Hi, it's me again! I am trying to host some web sites and I would like to have all the users web pages look like But it is a pain to go to apache add the virtual host tag and all that, then go to the named file and add

usersname CNAME

and then restart apache and named. Is there any other way to do this quickly??

>> and add usersname CNAME

There no longer is such thing as CNAME in DNS. So don't use CNAME if at all pssible. Do a search using the search keyword: CNAME in this forum under my username to see why.

>> Is there any other way to do this quickly??

You can enable wildcard in BIND. For Apache, you can check mod_vhost_alias ( Or you can use include (

If you don't have a reliable DNS, just don't do all this. If you don't have more than several thousands of, don't do this either.

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