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Problem with Connecting to ProFTP Server

Hi, I'm running a webserver and ftp server on different ports than 80 and 21. The server is on my lan and my router forwards certain request to that machine. The webserver works when I go to it on that certain port. So when I just type in the local ip with the port I set it to, I can connect to the machine, but when I try and connect to it through the outside ip, this is what I get:

215 UNIX Type: L8
Host type (S): UNIX (standard)
227 Entering Passive Mode (192,168,1,102,4,74).
connecting to
- -
connecting to
Connected to port 1098
! Receive error: Blocking call cancelled

! Retrieve of folder listing failed (4)

Port 1098 is not the port that I am forwarding through the router and it is not even close to the port that I put in the proftpd.conf file.

Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks!

>> connecting to

When you are connecting from within your LAN, you don't need to use passive mode.

Getting FTPd to work behind router is a bit tricky. Your case is well-mentioned in Proftpd docs. So why don't you go to -> and read Mini-HOWTO for ProFTPD and NAT (by Tobias Ekbom).

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