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wscons doesn't support swedish keyboard layout


OpenBSD has changed from pcvt console drivers to wscons console drivers, so now swedish keyboards doesn't work very well. Actually, practically no keys besides the letters and numbers are at the correct position.

Anyway, I found what should have been a temporary fix for this, but it didn't work at all. Unfurtunally, I've lost the link to the place with the supposed workaround.

So now I thought I'd ask here if someone know a fix for this that works in OpenBSD 3.0

Allso, as a backup, does anyone know where I can buy a US keyboard with the old DIN5 connector for a deacent price?



Well well, now I have to correct myself. How embarrising.

wscons DOES support swedish keyboard layouts, under the name "sv" (as opposed to "se" as is our official two-letter designation).

So, scince someone might do a search for this in the future I might aswell tell how to change to swedish keyboard layout...thought all except the sv part is in the manual.

wsconsctl -w keyboard.encoding=sv

To get swedish keyboard directly when you boot, do this:

edit /etc/wsconsctl.conf and uncomment and modify the line keyboard.encoding to read keyboard.encoding=sv

And that's it.



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