Helpful Information
Category: Flash Help
start text at bottom

How would I go about starting the imported text at the bottom rather than having to scroll to the bottom?


----------------- window top
text 1
text 2
text 3
----------------- window bottom
text 4
text 5

Instead I would like:

text 1
text 2
----------------- window top
text 3
text 4
text 5
----------------- window bottom

myVar = whatever variable is attached to your text box

myVar.scroll = myVar.maxscroll - 2

where 2 is (in your example) one less than the number of lines that can be seen. also i dunno if maxscroll is the last line or the line at the top of the text box when the last line is at the bottom of the text box...just play around. hope this helps, if not check the help files for scroll, and maxscroll...rob

thanks, i figured it out using max scroll the other day.

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