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Category: Flash Help
trouble in load txt after wroten by asp

hey,someone help
i write some asp code:writeline("c="&myvariable),then the text wrote
c=variable,but it added a ENTER end of it,so,when i use loadvariable(mytext,0) in my flash to load the text,it did not work,
oh,how can i do with the unwanted ENTER,let flash load my text?

hey,someone help
i write some asp code:writeline("c="&myvariable),then the text wrote
c=variable,but it added a ENTER end of it,so,when i use loadvariable(mytext,0) in my flash to load the text,it did not work,
oh,how can i do with the unwanted ENTER,let flash load my text?
and i changed the code:writeline("c="&myvariable) to writeline("c="&replace(application("countnum"),vbcrlf,"")) ,but i am failing in it,it always added a ENTER at the end,why?

this is my count.txt text:

this is my homepage code:
if isempty(session("conn")) then
set counterfile=server.createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")
set temp=counterfile.opentextfile(server.mappath("count.txt"),1,true,false)
<BODY bgcolor="">
set temp=counterfile.createtextfile(server.mappath("count.txt"),true,false)
response.write "visiters£º"&application("countnum")
end if
<OBJECT classid="clsid27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000"
WIDTH=550 HEIGHT=400 align="top">
<PARAM NAME=movie VALUE="counter3.swf"> <PARAM NAME=quality VALUE=high> <PARAM NAME=bgcolor VALUE=>
<EMBED src="counter3.swf>" quality=high bgcolor= WIDTH=550 HEIGHT=400 TYPE="application/x-shockwave-flash" PLUGINSPAGE="" align="top" width="550"></EMBED>


this is my flash code:
loadVariablesNum ("count.txt", 0);
num = c;
j = num.length;
s = Number(num.charAt(j-2));
g = Number(num.charAt(j-1));
with (siwei) {
with (gewei) {

Hi Snowy,

You know that flash will read the response of a ASP File "On the Fly".
This is how it works.

Contents of "Test.asp"


VariableContents = "Testing123"
Response.write "&VariableName=" & VariableContents


This will write the following to the screen


Then all you do is within flash use the following code

loadVariablesNum ("Test.asp", 0);

and give it about 10 - 20 Frames to load the varibles into flash before
you do anything with the variables

This must be the only text that is wrote to the screen,
in one continues line of text with no HTML Code within it.

If you want Flash to pass you a variable Contents and you then write it to
a Text file this is what you do.

Contents of "WriteTextFile.asp"


Const fsoForAppend = 8

Dim FileSystemObject
Dim FileSystemObject
Dim VariableContents
Dim TextToWrite
Dim TextFileName
Dim PathOfTextFile

TextFileName= "FlashVariables.txt"
PathOfTextFile = Server.MapPath(TextFileName")
VariableContents = Request("FlashVariableContents")
TextToWrite = "&VariableName=" & VariableContents

Set FileSystemObject = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set objTextStream = FileSystemObject.OpenTextFile(, fsoForAppend)

objTextStream.Write TextToWrite

Set objTextStream = Nothing
Set FileSystemObject = Nothing


This will write the following to the text file (Without the ENTER/Return at the end)


PS : All you need to do was use write instead of writeline as Writeline automaticly
puts a return after the line wrote.

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