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Category: Flash Help
PHP - Flash interaction


I've got a problem: I can't get some variables loaded into my flash movie. It is meant for a login script. The actionscript, which posts the key:

on (release) {
loadVariablesNum("http://localhost/onderzoek-online/site2/dev/Login.php", 0, "GET");
if (access == 1)
{getURL("", "_blank", "GET");}

The PHP (test) script:

if($HTTP_GET_VARS["key"] == "correct-login")
echo "access=1";
echo "access=0";

Thanks for helping me.

To make flash 'see' variables you have to make it like:


so you can test the connection between flash and php with

echo "&access=1";

and nothing more, when you get flash working with this, then create the correct function in the phpfile to set the access variable


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