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Category: Networking Help
linux networking with windows


I hv a strange problem and am not sure if this is the right forum but hope somebody has a soln...

I have set up a small LAN at home with just my laptop running windows98 (IP: and my desktop running Mandrake 9.1 (IP:

Everything was fine untill a few days ago but now when i boot my laptop, it runs fine for a few mins and then suddenly hangs.. The only way i can get it to work again is by disconnecting the power supply and rebooting!!

And this happens only when i connect it to the network.. standalone it doesnt give any problems at all.

Whats happening!!?? any suggestions please.


this has nothing to do with your linux box.

it's probably your windows 98 that's corrupted. don't even bother fixing it, format, reinstall!

what MAYYYY fix your problem, is in the networking, remove your tcpip stuff and reinstall them. if this doesn't help then...

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