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Category: Networking Help
Quick Windows update !

I want to configure windows2000 server or put a software on the network thats auto-update windows, so all clients on the network can get theire machine updated automatically and quickly ,got any ideas ?:rolleyes:

Well, Windows does have the autoupdate feature where it will download the updates, but not install them automatically. The user has to tell it to install.

You may want to reconsider the auto install part. Many windows patches and service packs are buggy and may take your computers with them.

The XP service pack 1 comes to mind. Many systems would not reboot after having it installed.

The best method would be to install the updates on one system, make sure it works and then do the rest. Might be a little more time consuming initially, but less damaging in the long run.

SUS server may be what you're looking for

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