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Category: C Programming
Object Oriented Programming

I would like to tell me how can I create a simple object with the data and methods for a database.In other words,the object should be called "SoundCard" and the data should be the specifications of a sound card.The methods will be something like choose this sound card.
Just give an idea.
Thank you.

Download and read chapter one of this book, written by Bruce Eckel:

Thinking in C++, 2nd Edition, Volume 1
Thinking in C++, 2nd Edition, Volume 2

This will provide you some background in OOP. When you have that down, you can read the other chapters to get a handle on the syntax of C++.

But, for quick reference, here's a small and woefully imcomplete sample:

// Class declaration
class CSoundCard
int GetSpec1() { return m_nSpec1; }
void SetSpec1(int nSpec1);
int m_nSpec1;

// Class implementation

// Class constructor
m_nSpec1 = 1;

// Data access method
void CSoundCard::SetSpec1(int nSpec1)
m_nSpec1 = nSpec1;

Now, to use this class, simply include the header file into your main program file (e.g., main.cpp) and create and use an object of type CSoundCard.

... // Normal includes go here
#include "SoundCard.h"

int main()
CSoundCard sc;
int num = sc.GetSpec1(); // returns 1
sc.SetSpec1(6); // sets m_nSpec1 to 6
return 0;

Unfortunately, this won't make much sense unless you understand OOP and C++.

There are other languages that you can use, such as Java and C#.

Best of luck,

... but if you're asking about PHP, you can just RTM:

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