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Category: C Programming
Replacing a character in a string

The PHP equiv is this:

$string = str_replace (" is", " was'", $string);

How would I write the code so that C++ would do the same operation?

The ANSI standard string class has a replace method with the following three arguments:

string.replace(start, length, newstring);

This means you're going to have to use the find() method to find the position of the old substring:

#include <string>
#include <iostream>
int main() {
string s = "This is the old string";
cout << s << "\n";
int start = s.find("old");
int len = string("old").size();
s.replace(start, len, "new");
cout << s << "\n";
return 0;

Most people write their own string class which has a replace method that works similar to how PHP does it. You can find a lot of those on the web (such as the GNU String class The function to replace strings like the php example is called gsub in this case.

If you're using Visual C++ or Borland C++ Builder, the string classes are called CString and AnsiString respectively. For Visual C++, the CString class has a Replace method as in:
s.Replace("old", "new");

C++ Builder has a StringReplace function that works as follows:
s = StringReplace(s, "old", "new", TReplaceFlags() << rfReplaceAll << rfIgnoreCase);

The ANSI standard string class has a replace method with the following three arguments:

string.replace(start, length, newstring);

This means you're going to have to use the find() method to find the position of the old substring:

#include <string>
#include <iostream>
int main() {
string s = "This is the old string";
cout << s << "\n";
int start = s.find("old");
int len = string("old").size();
s.replace(start, len, "new");
cout << s << "\n";
return 0;

Most people write their own string class which has a replace method that works similar to how PHP does it. You can find a lot of those on the web (such as the GNU String class The function to replace strings like the php example is called gsub in this case.

If you're using Visual C++ or Borland C++ Builder, the string classes are called CString and AnsiString respectively. For Visual C++, the CString class has a Replace method as in:
s.Replace("old", "new");

C++ Builder has a StringReplace function that works as follows:
s = StringReplace(s, "old", "new", TReplaceFlags() << rfReplaceAll << rfIgnoreCase);

I'd like to transfer "A older old wife" to "A older new wife",
i.e. with feature "whole word only", how can i do?

If your definition of "whole word" is "space delimited", then just add spaces to both sides of the parameters. Otherwise you'll need to look into C/C++ regexp libraries.

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