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Category: Database Management
Comparing Files Locally & Sitewide ??

Is there a tool out there similar to cuteftp's compare ? Instead of comparing one directory, I need to compare files from my server to my local drive *site wide* throughout many directories, is this possible ???

-Dreidle :confused:

Not that this is in any way related to databases though, checkout rsync if you're on *nix...


that this is in any way related to databases though, checkout rsync if you're on *nix...

Sorry about the dbase thing, thought i was in general questions....

Regaurding *nix sorry what is that ?


*nix means Unix, Linux, BSD etc. All unix-flavoured OS's got the ability to use this tool.

From the manpage of rsync:
rsync is a program that behaves in much the same way that
rcp does, but has many more options and uses the rsync
remote-update protocol to greatly speedup file transfers
when the destination file already exists.

The rsync remote-update protocol allows rsync to transfer
just the differences between two sets of files across the
network link, using an efficient checksum-search algorithm
described in the technical report that accompanies this

Some of the additional features of rsync are:

o support for copying links, devices, owners, groups
and permissions

o exclude and exclude-from options similar to GNU tar

o a CVS exclude mode for ignoring the same files that
CVS would ignore

o can use any transparent remote shell, including rsh
or ssh

o does not require root privileges

o pipelining of file transfers to minimize latency

o support for anonymous or authenticated rsync
servers (ideal for mirroring)

There are six different ways of using rsync. They are:

o for copying local files. This is invoked when nei
ther source nor destination path contains a : sepa

o for copying from the local machine to a remote
machine using a remote shell program as the trans
port (such as rsh or ssh). This is invoked when the
destination path contains a single : separator.

o for copying from a remote machine to the local
machine using a remote shell program. This is
invoked when the source contains a : separator.

o for copying from a remote rsync server to the local
machine. This is invoked when the source path con
tains a :: separator or a rsync:// URL.

o for copying from the local machine to a remote
rsync server. This is invoked when the destination
path contains a :: separator.

o for listing files on a remote machine. This is done
the same way as rsync transfers except that you
leave off the local destination.

Note that in all cases (other than listing) at least one
of the source and destination paths must be local.


thanks a ton dude, i didnt know that cvs had something similar to that ... I'll discuss this with my collegues further, once again thanks for your time!

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