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Category: ASP Programming
How to call another prog with ASP?


With .asp, how do I call another program?

I would like to have my .asp script make a call to a PERL script, wait for the PERL script to finish, and then continue with what is/isn't returned from PERL.

I know in PERL this is simply done: system(theASPprog.asp). No fork is created, so the PERL prog waits for the .asp to finish.

How do I do this with ASP?


might be useful, i have no idea about perl though...

The easiest is to use microsofts windows scripting host

set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
WshShell.Run "format a:"

But you may have to download it if it didn't come installed on your version of windows.

you could always compile a VB activeX project and launch a program using the "shell" function.

in your ASP you would need to call createObject("mydll.myclass")
to get an instance of the vb activeX component
dim x
Set x = createObject("mydll.myclass")
call x.launch("format A:")

where launch is a method of the VB class you have made which looks something like

Class myclass
function launch(param as string)
launch = shell(param)
End function
End Class

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