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Category: ASP Programming
Passing ASP via hidden form fields....


I want to pass ASP returned values via hidden form fields...

Here is a simpler demo of my what I am trying to do....

Page containg asp values in hidden fields of a form:
<form method = "post" action="ad.asp">
<input type = "hidden" value = "adski" name = "ad1">
<input type = "hidden" value = ""<%= WeekDayName(Weekday(Date)) %>"" name="ad2">
<input type = "submit" value="submit" name = "submit">

Output page, showing passed ASP values:
Option Explicit
response.buffer = true
' declare all variable names
dim ad1
dim ad2
ad1 = request.form("ad1")
ad2 = request.form("ad2")

this is ad2:<br>
<%response.write ad1%>
this is ad1:<br>
<%response.write ad2%>

But on ad.asp i only pass the text value, not the asp value of the second hidden field.!!!!!

How can I do it'????
Any ideas?

muchos gracias for your help!

DoH! sussed it out!! too many """"""



here is u'r code
<input type = "hidden" value = ""<%= WeekDayName(Weekday(Date)) %>"" name="ad2">

the right code is
dim week_dy
<input type = "hidden" value = "<%=week_dy%>" name="ad2">
u just have to copy the above code and paste in place of u'r 2nd hidden element.
nothing else and u got the right result on ad.asp page
feel free to ask any other query.....
Sur :cool:

Adam, I am not sure if the last reply answered your question, but what exactly r u trying to do?!

I noticed that you used double doubl quotes "" <%=Wee....%>"".

If you could explain more on what do u mean u r getting the text not the asp output.

if what you ment was the output of the ad.asp page be like

as is


<%=WeekDayName(Weekday(Date)) %>


Then in the input
<input type = "hidden" value = "&lt;%= WeekDayName(Weekday(Date)) %&gt;" name="ad2">

&lt; and &gt; instead of the <% and the %>

I hope this is of any help :)


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