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Category: Development Articles
Script-Based Credit Card Interfaces

This article does an excellent job of introducing credit card processing to the php programmer. I need to write some code for this and this article is exactly what I am looking for to get me started.

The article has certainly opened up this topic to me. From reading the article I can see how simple the process might be, with lots of testing!

There are credit card processors such as Internet Secure who handle all the security for you. Perfect for small sites.

Thank u Stephen Junker !

im building an E-commerce site, and this was exactly what i needed to know how to make the transactions! thank u !!!!


Thanks a lot! I've set up a site using a CC clearing/processing company, which of course charges a few percent per transaction... plus fees, and so on... Although I've no previous experience with PHP, I was able to implement the sample code, upload it to our ISP and do a real-time test connecting to!

Great! I've got to go working on our site! Thanks a lot!

Ok i think i finally have a handle on how to do this. however how do i pick a good authorizenet reseller.. can someone recomment one to me?

please respond to me via email.


Thanx a lot buddy to share this trick of the trade. It was a very well explained tutorial. I just loved it.

very useful !!
Thank you

does anyone know how to do this with ASP. i dont use asp i always use PHP but a client does not want PHP because he is on a NT server and thay do not have PHP and he does not want to change to my server that has PHP i have been trying to write it in asp but i cant get this to work. i know this is a PHP site and i am sorry for posting this.

thank you very much

does anyone know how to do this with ASP. i dont use asp i always use PHP but a client does not want PHP because he is on a NT server and thay do not have PHP and he does not want to change to my server that has PHP i have been trying to write it in asp but i cant get this to work. i know this is a PHP site and i am sorry for posting this.

thank you very much

Please note that the article is not really specific to PHP, and the ideas presented could be applied to ASP just as easily as PHP. Though there are some syntax differences between PHP and ASP, if you have some experience with PHP and programming in general, you should be able to do a translation fairly easily. There are a number of excellent books on the subject of ASP, but for the experienced programmer, I would recommend O'Reilly's "ASP in a Nutshell".

This is an excellent article. I copied and pasted your html and php scripts and ran it - but it said no data returned. Do I have to be running it on a machine that has SSL?

i also need help on cc i/f using asp
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please help me
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thanking u in anticipation

Great and informative article!

I{m at the point in developing an online shop where I have used SSL to get user information securely to the site via SSL. The article was very helpful and I{m sure I could not take the next step were I to use a verification system to submit the credit card information.

My question however is whether I need to use a separate agency as described in the article. My stepfather, whom I am designing the webpage for, already has credit card accounts with a bank and is able to credit card transactions manually. He initially asked me to email the credit card information from teh server to his secretary and have her proceed from there. Because there were a number of security issues involved in this approach I decided it would be better to do the full transaction online. Is there no way to send relevant information to the credit card companies directly? Developing the code to do so wouldn{t be a problem but I{m at a loss as to where to start. I{d also like to avoid additional charges involved in using a 3rd party verification service.


No, there is no way to deal directly with your banks merchant account you must go through a company such as the ones mentioned in the article

The article about using PHP to process credit card transactions through and Cybercash (now owned by VeriSign) is concise, well written and very informative. I did a search through for cybercash script and the article was at the top of the 1st page... Good job Google too.
I started looking for a cybercash solution because I'm already using it with Miva Merchant, but wanted a stand-alone pay-per-download script. Now that I've read this and the Cybercash manuals, I have decided to switch over to Cybercash simply has too many hoops to jump through!
Thanks for the great info.

I need to be able to send a pass for download or the actual download automatically after the order is accepted.

I there any way to incorporate that into this process??

Would be too wonderful.


if you have found how to talk to AuthorizeNet with ASP (ideally ADC Direct Response) I'd be interested to pick your brain.


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