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Category: Development Articles
Webserver Security (Part I)

well almost 90% of server error are because of administrators they don't view a system as an outsider rather as the so called 'GOD's of the server and when problem strikes they became very concern 'well who made the problem @ the first place'

I am running slackware 7.0 and I don't see any program called lsof. Can you point me where I can get it?


I have to admit that when I first started looking seriously at security on my Linux system, I was surprised at the number of hack attempts being made, even though I was just surfing "normally". I went through the COPS/Satan/Saint cycle to tighten security, but I doubt that many webmasters really give a lot of thought to it.. I've never hacked into anyone's system, but setup mistakes can reveal a wealth of information that really shouldn't be accessible ! No wonder hackers/crackers have it so easy !

It's a different world out there! The Hacking community is getting bigger I myself was once a hacker but I change for the better =) now I have a job as a security consultant on Linux & Solaris system. being able to go from one side to the other will really help.

you know an article at

'Improve security by hacking your site' pretty cool stuff and it works

Freshmeat is an excellent site to locate
such software:<p>
lsof can be downloaded from and is to be found in the /pub/tools/unix/lsof directory.

Is this an article???
Weak....very poor.

Webserver Security \(Part I\) (

This first article in a two-part series deals with tools to find security holes in webservers and workstations. Some of the topics covered are: port scanning, finding NFS security holes, and using lsof.

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