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Category: Oracle Development
storing image in oracle 8i

hi all
is the storing image to database is good idea or i store them to files/dir.
if yes, how can i.
no, why

I am not that familiar with Oracle, but what I know about this in MySQL probably transfers over.

If you are going to store a lot, then it is not a good idea to do it in the database, as the table can get larger then the maximum supported size and cause corruption.

If you are going to only store a small amount, then it is faster then the files.

You need to research how much data it can support and make your decision based on that.

With Oracle generally there is not a real size limitation, rather getting images from the db will be slower than retrieving them from filesystem. You should store only paths to images in the db, unless you plan to use advanced features, like Oracle Text (for documents, not images).


how do you go about storing the dir and format in a table in oracle?


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