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Category: Firebird SQL Development
... where 'true';


I would like to use following query in Firebird:

select Table.v1, Table.v2 where 'true';

Is it possible? :confused:
If not, what alternative query can I use instead of that. :rolleyes:

Thank You in advance,

where whats true?
If you want to select all, then use select * from Table.v1, Table.V2

Ya, as rendy said. You have yur query mixed up, you need to move the table(s) aound in the query and specify which columns you want to return or just return them all - then you need to add your condition WHERE something = true

Originally posted by jpenn
Ya, as rendy said. You have yur query mixed up, you need to move the table(s) aound in the query and specify which columns you want to return or just return them all - then you need to add your condition WHERE something = true

Ok, Thank You

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