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Category: ColdFusion Development

So, anyone out there using Fusebox? There is an excited advocate of Fusebox in my office who has been singing its praises. I have to admit, so far, it looks really great. But, I don't really know much yet so I thought I should get some sage advice on the matter *grin*

I'd really like to hear what people's experience with it has been like. Positive...negative...neither. Also, has anyone used Fusebox with more than one language? I'm curious how similar the different flavours of Fusebox really are.

I know someone who has been using Fusebox extensively but I dont really know for what. Let me see what I can find out.

Fusebox is great. I use it in both PHP and CFML, and the benefits are enormous. The organization FLiP (the Fusebox Life-Cycle Process) brings to web development translates to a successful project when coding is finished, for the following reasons:

The community is awesome:
Prototyping with Dev Notes (Currently only avaliable for CFML, not PHP) ensures the client will be actively participating in the user interface design. When coding is complete, the client has exactly what he / she asked for. For more info on Dev Notes and other tools:
Because it's an established methodology, developers can be hired who know FB, decreasing ramp-up time. This goes a long way toward eliminating the crap shoot of hiring developers who claim to have a specific skillset.
Apps can be scaled easily. Entire circuits can usually be reused and even shared.
Fusebox 4 will be out of beta in July!

These are just a few reasons. Honestly, I can't imagine coding a non-Fusebox web application. It's that beneficial to use FB.

If you want to check out PHP Fusebox, I wrote an article here about it to get you up and running:


Mike Britton

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