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Category: ColdFusion Development
window.location.href not working in ie 5.0

This problem is related to the problem of having cfm and js talk to each other through some medium. In my case, I want to pass the url (when clicked) to the js method, have the method append something to the url and then call the page to reopen with this new info appended to the url.

Here is the cfm page:

Note that this is the problem distilled into the essential problem area. The link passed to the js method will eventually be a refresh of the same page.

Hopefully someone can assist or suggest something.

Many regards,
Kite and Wind Surf

What does your ColdFusion code look like?

How is this a ColdFusion problem? If the problem has to do with Javascript and/or is tied to a specific browser, then this is not a CF problem but a browser problem.

From problem description and link provided it appears to be a JavaScript issue but we can't tell for sure because we don't know what ColdFusion code, if any, exists within test.cfm.

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