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Category: ColdFusion Development
Scheduled task exclusion

Greetings members,
I am new to the forum and have searched briefly but couldn't find exactly what i was after, so forgive me if this has been asked before.

My question is a simple one , I hope. I have a scheduled task that sends an email on the every hour within 9 am til 5 pm. However, I wish to exclude both Saturday and Sunday from this task. So far, this is what I have, but it is not working. I've used DayofWeek, but I also tried with DayOfWeekAsString, alas, with the same results.

<cfset TodaysDate = Now()>

<CFIF DayOfWeek(TodaysDate) NEQ 6 OR DayOfWeek(TodaysDate) NEQ 7>

<cfmail from=""
subject="CWC STAFF BREAK">
Wake up!




Any ideas? All help appreciated.


The problem is that the dayOfWeek() for Saturday is 7 and the dayOfWeek() for Sunday is 1:

Prints 7: #dayofweek( '7/12/03' )#
Prints 1: #dayofweek( '7/13/03' )#

So you really want:

<CFIF DayOfWeek( Now() ) NEQ 7 OR DayOfWeek( Now() ) NEQ 1>

Hope that helps.


Actually you can tighten it up a little like this:

<cfif not listFind( '1,7', dayOfWeek( now() ) )>

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