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Category: ColdFusion Development
Macromedia Certification?

Is it worth it?

I think that depends on if you're trying to land a job which requires CFML certification.

If thats the case, then it is definitely worth it.

As far as adding CFML certification to your list of certs/degrees just as a matter of course, I'm not sure if its worthwhile... usually, experience over a given time period with any language is sufficient to acquire employment using that language. For instance, if a job listing specifies that you need 3 to 5 years experience in ColdFusion, whether or not you have certification will probably not matter - the employer is more interested in the duration you've been working w/ the language, not your certs.

If you are a ColdFusion developer I would definitely get the cert. Does it guarantee that you are a guru? No. But it is a relatively hard test, so it shows (to me at least) that you have a moderate level of understanding of most aspects of CFML and the CF server. Let me put it this way, when I hire someone, the guy with the CF cert has a good leg up over someone without it.

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