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Category: Delphi Programming
Screen resolution problem

I made an app on a computer with screen resolution of 1024*768, and tested on another with 800*600. I found that a control which is on the bottom of the window with 1024*768 does not touch the window edge with 800*600. In other words the window is larger (in pixels, not only visually) than it should be (there is more workspace). This completely ruins my design concept. How can I get rid of this effect?

Adjust the Anchors property of the button. Normally a button component has the anchors set for akLeft and akTop. You probably want to set akRight and akBottom and unset akLeft and akTop.

Thanks, it works well with the button, but does not solve the actual task (a full-size background image).
I discovered that the problem is caused by the varying height of the window label: if it is thinner, the workspace (ClientHeight) gets larger with same window size. Setting ClientHeight on form's creation helps, but is a dirty solution. Does anyone know a better way to have a constant ClientHeight?

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