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Category: IIS
Writing to Flat File Database IIS 6.0

I have installed a calendar script on a Windows 2003 server running IIS 6.0. Everthing works fine until I try to execute the script that adds an event to the calendar. That script simply adds an event to the flat file database.

The addevent window hangs and then errors to page not found. Can anyone help or direct me to someone who can.


I don't use IIS6, but I suspect a permission problem where IIS doesn't have write permissions to the flat file.

Just guessing :)

That was my first guess also. I have write permissions set to all database files in that web site.

Perhaps if you post a bit of your code it will give someone a clue.

Here is the site to try it out:

Here is the add portion of the script:

if( $mode eq "add" ){
$time = $jcgi::in{"time"} ;

$ampm = $jcgi::in{"ampm"} ;

$summary = $jcgi::in{"summary"} ;

$extended = encode( $jcgi::in{"extended"} ) ;

if( $summary eq "" || $month eq "" || $date eq "" || $year eq "" ){
return_error( "You must enter the month, date, year, and a summary for the event!<br>month: $month date: $date year: $year summary: $summary" ) ;

#construct a new string that will be the record for the date
$events .= $summary."&" ;
$expls .= $extended."&" ;
$times .= $time." ".$ampm."&" ;
$recordstring = $key."\|".$events."\|".$expls."\|".$times ;
dn_add( $key, $recordstring ) ;

#finally, send the user back to the calendar, loading the month and year that he added
#an event to.
print_header( "Location", "$cgiurl?db=$dbname&month=$month&year=$year" ) ;

} #end if($mode eq "add")

Your code appears to be PHP code. I've never used PHP on a windows platform.

Is there any hope for this? I get the entire script to work fine. I can even manually add data to the flat file database, open the http file that has the add/delete date and delete the date with no problem. The only thing I cannot do is add new dates.

Please help!

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