Helpful Information
Category: Website Critiques

Ok.. first the new rules...
1. Please use the thread title of your URL. For instance, if you are putting Dev Shed Forums up for review, then you would have the thread title/subject of ''.

2. Please post the general outline of your site in the thread, including what it is meant to do, its focus(es) and its goals.

3. Please check it first with the W3C Validator,

4. Please post which part you want use to critique, be it the design, layout, functionality, navigability, spelling or generally everything. Now the compliance to the new rules...

1. Done did dat!
2. Meant to entertain, generate a few laughs, and provide links to many intensely cool sites
3. Done did dat (on every page)!
4. Generally everything

OK... whew! Tough rules :D

Now... go for it! Review my website ( Trash it. Tell me it sucks. Point out all the flaws.. all the mistakes. I can take it. Besides, I'm in the mood for a good trashing right now. :p :D

1. The 'preload images' intro screen would be a little obnoxious if I were still on a dial-up connection. Is it really necessary?

2. Overall, the layout isn't bad - the top navbar and side navbar work well together; the color choices are minimalist, and help to keep the user's focus on the content (images, jukebox, copy) instead of the site's framework itself. Nice.

3. The 'follow me wherever I go on the screen' javascript menu has got to go. In fact, these menus should be banned, just on general principle. This kind of menu always manages to obscure some section of content that I'm trying to view - additionally, the particular JS menu you've chosen doesn't work well in my browser of choice, Mozilla Firebird. Stick your menu at the top and side of your page and be done with it. Also, you don't need the same menu at the top, and at the side - pick one or the other, or put different choices in each location. Duplication is unnecessary here.

4. The 'Random Thought' at the top is easy to gloss over; you should consider changing the background color or text color slightly to draw attention to it (think: light blue background, for instance).

5. Some kind of Welcome message on the side - perhaps at the top of the main content, perhaps somewhere off to the side, perhaps following a link that says 'about this site' - would help to give users a clue as to what your site is for.

6. OK - I found your 'about' page in the 'navigate this site'. Rule #1 whenever you include music on your site: Don't have it 'auto-play', ever. If I were viewing this site at work, now my boss knows I'm surfing, and I'll never visit this site again. Or, if I happened to be listening to a CD on my PC at the time, now I have to listen to your music over Jon Scofield, and nobody messes w/ Sco. Keep the 'music player' bar at the top, sure, but let the user decide if they want to listen to the stuff or not. Besides that, the music that *is* playing is just awful.

There is probably more, but thats a good start.

that extra scroll bar on the right that follows the screen; it's a cool idea if you got rid of all the scrollbars (which i'm not sure is even possible) except for the fact that its very jumpy... you mouse over it and it bounces up and down rapidly; it may only be this browser (i'm at work on a 14" monitor in 640x480 *bleh*) but you shouldn't have anything that does that as it can trigger bad things in sensitive people

other than that it looks good; kinda hard to tell on this monitor so i'll have a look later =)

i concur on the side menu, it is constantly blocking information on the site =/

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