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Category: Website Critiques
Review/Critique PHP Survey System:

I've got a survey system I've designed that could use a good review/critique, also. Let me know what you think: (demo) (main site)

Admin password: password

Please keep the questions clean and don't delete everything. :)

This is a demo site, so let me know if anything breaks. I know the interface isn't very pretty, that's being worked on. Looking for a functional review/critique right now. :)


---John Holmes...

Survey site didn't have any noticeable logic errors. Worked fine for me.

I was expecting this huge list of things... ;)


---John Holmes...

FYI, I've updated the address above with the new address. I'd still appreciate any reviews anyone has to offer.

Admin and survey passwords is just password.

I've made a lot of changes since the last version (functionality wise, I know the presentation is still lacking! ;)). I've got a meeting with JAG tomorrow to see if I can release this as open source or not. Here's a list of features:

* Web-based Installation
* Template based presentation using the Smarty Template Engine
* Database abstraction layer using ADOdb, enabling the Survey System to be used with multiple databases (Survey System is only tested with MySQL at this time, though)
* Unlimited surveys, unlimited questions per survey, and unlimited answer types. Theme based system allows surveys to have their own look and feel once new themes are made.
* Surveys can be marked as Active or Inactive or given specific start and end dates
* Surveys can be marked as Public or Private where Private requires a password to take the survey
* Survey results can be marked as Public or Private where Private requries a password to view the results of the survey
* Individual surveys have password protected administration area for activating or deactivating surveys and editing questions and messages
* Administrator password allows access to edit all surveys, answer types, and view results of any survey
* Surveys have customizable "Welcome" message displayed at the beginning of the survey and "Thank You" message displayed at the end
* Questions can have text or multiple choice answers. Multiple choice answers can be presented horizontally, vertically, in a <select> dropdown or a Matrix (grid).
* Questions can be can be marked as required or optional
* Questions can be optionally hidden or required based upon answers to previous questions (called dependencies)
* Unlimited dependencies per question
* Survey results are presented in bar graphs showing percentage of answers for each value. Each answer type can be assigned an image to be used for it's bar graph.
* Specific questions can be temporarily hidden from the results page so you only see the questions you want
* Survey results can be filtered based upon the results of any question, i.e. if you have a Gender question, you can filter the results to see just how Females answered your survey to look for trends
* Admin controlled "filter limit" to prevent survey results being shown if the results are narrowed down to 3 or less (by default) distinct respondents (this is to maintain anonymity of the users who take your survey, so that the results can not be filtered to such a degree as to identify
* New surveys can be created by copying existing surveys, so there will be no need to rewrite all of the questions and recreate answer types and values

---John Holmes...

privacy (GDPR)