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Category: Photoshop Help
Adobe causes an error when scrolling through fonts

My Adobe causes an error when scrolling through fonts. It is because I have too many fonts and some of them are bad.

How can I delete all my fonts and reset back to the original fonts in Win XP? Then, where can I find some legitimate fonts for graphic design?

Your fonts are located in the C:\Windows\Fonts dir. Just delete what ever you don't want.

Great place for fonts:

If you want to install a new font, it not such a good idea to just drag the font into your font folder, I first save the font in some temp directory. Then I go

Start>Run>Type: c:\windows\fonts

Click File>Install New Font...

Then browse to the temp font directory. That's how you install fonts properly. ;)


I think I installed so many fonts that some of them actually overwrote my original Windows default fonts... how can I get those back!?

I haven't ever tried that before... Maybe look on the windows CD?

Hey -- I checked out your site and noticed that you have made some cool games. Did you make those in C++? I would love to learn how to do that. Are there any good "gaming programmers" forums?

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