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Replace url variable / add variable function.

Hey everyone,
This is the function I use when replacing url variables, or adding a new variable.

I realize there are holes but for the most part as long as there are no crazy characters in the url or the variables you will be ok.

function replaceUrl($url,$uKey,$uVal){
$Qurl = explode("?",$url);
$arr = explode("&",$Qurl[1]);
$r = ''; $set = 0;
$arr2 = explode("=",$arr[$i]);
if($arr2[0] == $uKey){
$arr2[1] = $uVal;
$set = 1;
if($set == 0){
$r.= $uKey."=".$uVal;
} else {
$r = rtrim($r, "&");
return $Qurl[0].'?'.$r;


print replaceUrl('','name','rob lemon');

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