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Coding tips & tutorials threads
Implementation to send variables through the url (with javascript) like PHP $_GET.
Ajax Loaded Content w/scripts requiring onload events - Principles and Practices
Writing a javascript array using a batch file
JavaScript Closures: A tool for creating re-usable scripts
FAQs about this category (only Senior Members can post)
Some reasons to not use FrontPage
Unique file() function -- PHP
Flash Tutorial Part 1.. the preloader.
Test your new site without changing your browser settings!
Nesting IE Conditional Comments
Simplified Ajax Loaded Content w/scripts requiring onload events
Emulating a terminal-like caret with javascript and css.
Custom BB code function in PHP
Flash Tutorial Part 2: The Interface - Top
Dynamic external '.js' scripts and '.css' stylesheets with PHP
How to fix IE 6 transparent png problem
xBrowser Fading Images
Currying in JS
FAQ - For HTML, PHP, and so on.
Flash Tutorial Part 3: The Context Menu
Fireworks Tutorial
Making PHP Templates
Navigator Object
Shorten your PHP Code, and make it easy.
Creating Image validation for Forms
Online JavaScript Beautifier
Creating a (linear) gradient page background
Comment your code
Include a dynamically created object
Common code errors
Including script source as well as executing embedded script
IETester - IE Webpage Test Tool
IE8 beta2 and CSS/ JavaScript compatibility quick fix
"return" tutorial (per se)
Javascript Objects and Classes
Quick Flash
Glossy Black Interface Style Menubar
Coding the Glossy Black Interface Style Menubar
JavaScript Namespacing
Passing data from one HTML-page to another as a technique for menu-includes
Client Side Include without loss of external scripts
Why you cannot protect your source code and files
Alternative to AJAX
Pretty URLs with basic mod_rewrite and powerful options in PHP
Segmented Includes/Updates, plus an Ajax-replacement
PHP Tut: Objects within Classes
Making AJAX Applications Crawlable using PHP and jQuery.
Concise PHP Form Validation
Including external content: standard iframe, hidden iframe or Ajax?
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